A global platform across 130+ markets Worldwide
showcasing all the models, accessories, services and configurator.
My role
Senior UI designer working closely with Lead UX, copywriters and developers. A huge team working collaboratively in Agile, on a three-week Sprint delivery basis. I was involved in concepts, interface designs and documentations for specific car range detail pages and a brochure for Tablet app device.
Design opportunity
The challenge was to work on a large scale responsive website with the implementation of interactive tools that the users could engage with. We needed to ensure it was fast loading, easy to use and a delight for the user to interact with. The communication was made consistently through strong visuals and bold messages with a hint of playfulness. Quirky, bold and wide!
Mini tablet Brochure app
As part of MINI digital products, we were a small team working on a Brochure app displaying interactive information about each car model. Working closely with a UX lead, copywriter and another Senior designer, we were ensuring the user could have a delightful interactive experience when browsing the app finding relevant car information alongside attractive and bold visuals.

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